Attaining Asset Optimisation

The balance between budget and productivity.
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Asset optimisation is a crucial aspect in the mining industry. It significantly impacts the profitability and sustainability of mining operations. Companies typically invest substantial amounts of money in acquiring and maintaining mining equipment, facilities and infrastructure. Ensuring the optimisation and lifespan of these assets is essential to maximise the return on investment. Your drilling equipment falls into this class of productivity assets.

The key to attaining asset optimisation is finding the balance between budget and productivity. This can be done through efficiently managing the following:

Cost per Metre Drilled
Cost per metre drilled is an important metric in the mining industry. Mines that apply this concept, can better manage their drilling programs and allocate resources to the areas that are most likely to yield the highest returns. Have you accurately calculated your cost per metre drilled? This will lead to increased yields and targets. To improve your cost per meter drilled, talk to our team of highly qualified experts.

Drilling Costs per Tonne

Drilling costs per tonne is another critical metric that can help with asset optimisation. Drilling cost per tonne provides insight into the efficiency of drilling and extraction. When drilling and extraction work in concert, this ultimately improves the overall prospects of the mine or quarry. Let us know what steps we can take to help you optimise your systems.

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